Wholesale - Pretty Collected



We have partnered with Faire to make ordering wholesale easy for you! If you're interested in carrying Pretty Collected products in your store, just sign up below and get $100 off your first wholesale order, free shipping for your first year, and net 60 terms!

Click here to sign up with Faire as a Retailer!


If you're a small business owner looking to expand your reach and increase sales through the holidays, then we can't say enough good things about our partnership with Faire. We love selling our customers' favorite products through Faire, so retailers across the country can help get our products into more customer's hands! It's a true win-win!

Faire is a growing online marketplace for independent brands, making it easy to connect with over 600,000 retailers worldwide. I’m excited to see my business grow on Faire, and I hope you have just as much success.

Click here to sign up with Faire as a Brand!